About Holodomor
About project
Child died on the street in Kharkiv, 1933
Another victim of hunger , Kharkiv , 1933
The victims of hunger , Kharkiv , 1933
Komunists in the farmer's backyard during a search of bread in one of the villages in Hryshynskii Area of Donetsk Region
Worker kolhoz(collective farm) named after G. Petrovskii , Olshana Village Kharkiv Region, Komsomol Goncharenko protects...
The farmers receive millet for labor days on the farm named after D. Byednyi in Donetsk , 30th years.
Members of the society of common land cultivation confiscated and carried over the barn of the ex-kurkul (rich farmer) peasant...
Communists attacking a parade of Ukrainians who were against Genocide Femine (Holodomor) in Chicago. 17.12.1933
А huge article about Holodomor published in Chicago's American on March 4, 1935.